Tunbridge Wells Locksmith is your top local locksmith that provides a round the clock seven days a week service for homes and businesses located in and around Tunbridge Wells. No problem is too large or too small. Our locksmith services range from simple key duplication right through to the provision of total security solutions. You will find us both sympathetic and friendly.
We are highly skilled in all forms of lock picking and manipulation and we are equipped with the latest tools and technology that will ensure the minimum possible amount of damage to your door; in most instances we are able to regain entry without causing any damage at all. If you need emergency repairs or lock replacement following a burglary then we can provide a rapid response service that will re-secure your home or your business premises.
We carry a huge range and types of locks, replacement parts, and specialist tools which means that in most instances we can carry out any kind of lock service without delay.
We are highly skilled in all forms of lock picking and manipulation and we are equipped with the latest tools and technology that will ensure the minimum possible amount of damage to your door; in most instances we are able to regain entry without causing any damage at all. If you need emergency repairs or lock replacement following a burglary then we can provide a rapid response service that will re-secure your home or your business premises.
We carry a huge range and types of locks, replacement parts, and specialist tools which means that in most instances we can carry out any kind of lock service without delay.
If you find that you are locked out of your home, there is no need to panic, get stressed or worry.
Tunbridge Wells Locksmith professionals are available 24 /7 every week of the year.
Just call us and our rapid response service will get you back inside your home with minimum fuss and damage.
Generally our professional locksmiths can get to you within the hour, and there is no call out charge.
We carry all the latest tools and equipment which means that we can generally regain entry using the latest lock picking and manipulation techniques without causing any damage to your property.
Tunbridge Wells Locksmith professionals are available 24 /7 every week of the year.
Just call us and our rapid response service will get you back inside your home with minimum fuss and damage.
Generally our professional locksmiths can get to you within the hour, and there is no call out charge.
We carry all the latest tools and equipment which means that we can generally regain entry using the latest lock picking and manipulation techniques without causing any damage to your property.
If you have ever had that sinking feeling that goes with the discovery that you have locked your car keys in the car, or that you have closed the front door from the outside to only to realise that you left the latch key on the inside, then you will be pleased to learn that should it happen again there is no longer any need to panic; if you lock yourself out this winter then Tunbridge Wells Locksmith can help 24 hours a day.
Unfortunately many people do panic when they lock themselves out and try to deal with the situation themselves.
Unfortunately many people do panic when they lock themselves out and try to deal with the situation themselves.
Usually the last thing on your mind when you move into a new home is fitting new locks, but every year many homes get broken in to by a burglar who has been able to gain access to a key.
When you change home Locksmiths Tunbridge Wells strongly advises that you should change the locks, and these are the reasons why.
Rented homes are particularly vulnerable.
Often tenants obtain multiple sets of keys which they give to partners and family members.
While some landlords are willing to pay for a new set of locks, others are not so willing, but at the very least you should ask, and if the landlord refuses to pay for the work then get his permission for you to get it done.
When you change home Locksmiths Tunbridge Wells strongly advises that you should change the locks, and these are the reasons why.
Rented homes are particularly vulnerable.
Often tenants obtain multiple sets of keys which they give to partners and family members.
While some landlords are willing to pay for a new set of locks, others are not so willing, but at the very least you should ask, and if the landlord refuses to pay for the work then get his permission for you to get it done.
With burglaries on the increase it pays to take some time to look at the best ways of securing your home.
In the UK there is an attempted break in every 45 seconds and around 60% of them are successful.
On average the cost of a burglary is around 2,500, but often the major trauma is the feeling that your home has been violated.
Here are some top tips on home security that have been specially prepared by Tunbridge Wells Locksmith and that are based on their many years experience.
When an unknown visitor comes to your door, you really shouldn't answer it until you have seen who it is.
In the UK there is an attempted break in every 45 seconds and around 60% of them are successful.
On average the cost of a burglary is around 2,500, but often the major trauma is the feeling that your home has been violated.
Here are some top tips on home security that have been specially prepared by Tunbridge Wells Locksmith and that are based on their many years experience.
When an unknown visitor comes to your door, you really shouldn't answer it until you have seen who it is.
If you are going to use a locksmith in Tunbridge Wells, then it is vitally important that you chose a trusted one.
Unfortunately not every locksmith is trustworthy as has been so clearly shown by the BBC on their Rogue Traders series of programmes.
In fact if you saw that particular episode it would have been enough to make you weep.
Several houses were used and each time the locksmith in question was informed that the keys had been left inside the building.
If they had informed a trusted locksmith in Tunbridge Wells, then in very little time they would have been let back inside with very little fuss, no damage and not even the need to replace the lock, but what happened with the rogue locksmith was a very different story.
Unfortunately not every locksmith is trustworthy as has been so clearly shown by the BBC on their Rogue Traders series of programmes.
In fact if you saw that particular episode it would have been enough to make you weep.
Several houses were used and each time the locksmith in question was informed that the keys had been left inside the building.
If they had informed a trusted locksmith in Tunbridge Wells, then in very little time they would have been let back inside with very little fuss, no damage and not even the need to replace the lock, but what happened with the rogue locksmith was a very different story.
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