The Lock Genie
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The Lock Genie
Established in 2005, The Lock Genie Locksmiths in Chippenham are a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year professional locksmith based in Chippenham, Wiltshire. Our team of locksmiths service Chippenham, Trowbridge, Melksham, Calne, Bath, Devizes, Malmesbury, Corsham and the surrounding Wiltshire areas. Our locksmiths can supply, install, open, repair and replace almost any lock.

An extensive range of locks are carried in the engineers van ensuring that replacements/ repairs can be carried out on the spot. We specialise in double glazed UPVC doors and window locks. The Lock Genie Locksmiths in Chippenham offer 24 hour emergency call out, no call out charge if we do the job.
The Lock Genie 24 Hour Locksmiths in Chippenham offer professional locksmith services throughout Chippenham, Wiltshire and the surrounding areas.
Our experienced and trained engineers are able to respond to your call quickly and professionally.
Being there when you need us!
If you need a locksmith or auto locksmith in Chippenham or Wiltshire, then call The Lock Genie.
There is no callout charge and we offer free quotes and advice.
Our 24 hour locksmiths will respond to your emergency in a fast, efficient manner to get your problem resolved as quickly and with as little stress as possible, no matter where in Chippenham or Wiltshire you are based.
Our locksmiths will respond to your emergency in a fast, efficient manner to get your problem resolved as quickly as possible and with as little stress as possible, whether you are in Trowbridge, Chippenham, Bath or beyond.
If you need to get into your house or need locks replaced or repaired call The Lock Genie emergency locksmiths on 07917 301663.
If you are locked out of your car or you've misplaced your car keys or had them stolen then The Lock Genie auto locksmith will provide assistance to get you back on the road with as little interference to your vehicle as possible.
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